Camp NaNoWriMo 2015 word count: 23,454

The mad dash yesterday got me totally tired, so I took a bit of rest last night. I spent most of my time doing research for my story. I'm still not sure if I'll include that tango between the protagonist and the villain to the final draft, or omit it. It has an important part of the story, but it was a little hard to write.

This morning, I finally reached the chase scene. I love writing chase scenes.

The villain is turning out to be a lot more complicated than I thought he'd be. Writing the story made me totally tired again.

On Bubblews, I reviewed "Scent of a Woman." I watched that wonderful movie back in 2012. I was just busy looking for inspiration from movies for my story last night, when I came across that movie. You know, that moment when you're like, "Hey, I forgot that I watched this movie. It was great, actually." So I reviewed it.

Here's my response for NaPoWriMo 2015 Day Ten. We are to write an abecedarian poem. My version is the version that I've always used, the one that has lines that begin with each letter of the alphabet. I created this type of poem back in 2012. It was about a patient who had no visitor, and he busied himself with reading the books of his favorite author. He died of old age. My abecedarian poem this year gets ancient. (Photo credit: me)

The Exchange
A weary mind I have.
Before you I entrust this,
Causing the gods above
Drive me out to the seas.
Everything has now gone
For all things I have done.

Grieving my deepest loss,
Here on the throne of will
In heartbreak you can cause,
Jesting how I can feel.
Kudos to your lady.
Let love flow like eddy.

More and more every day,
No one I ever loved
Over the misty gray,
Power we used to have.
Questions in the faint air.
Rescue is far from fair.

Say that for me, my love.
Tomorrow I'll leave
Under the soft white dove.
Vivid dreams I conceive
Will remain in my heart.
Xerxes has made us part.

Yesterdays are the past.
Zeniths will always last.

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