Week 6 Recap: #100DaysOfCode

Charlene Delfin

Day 36: June 5, 2023

Today's Progress: I learned about parseFloat() in my struggle to solve the problem from yesterday. I also met my old friends, the conditional (ternary) operators and regex. In the image above, I was trying to figure out the join method.

Thoughts: In the image above, I wonder why they say to not use the replace method. Reading it, my brain was like, "What is the replace method?"

Day 37: June 6, 2023

Today's Progress: I finished Functional Programming and proceeded to Intermediate Algorithm Scripting. In the process, I learned about currying and the arity of functions. Currying is cool because it allows additional customization in programming.

Thoughts: Currying makes me think of chicken curry.

Day 38: June 7, 2023

Today's Progress: I am learning more and more about .filter(). I also went deeper into the usage of .indexOf(), and learned about a new thing called "arguments object". I am starting to really use JavaScript, and not some hybrid of C and JavaScript.

Thoughts: My OCD still finds the ways of JavaScript icky, JavaScript mixes everything. Still, there is no choice but to use them with the problems in Intermediate Algorithm Scripting. This section is helping me start to build a kind of tolerance for JavaScript.

Day 39: June 8, 2023

Today's Progress: I solved the problem from yesterday with nested for loops. I just figured that regular expressions and .filter() wouldn't work for that particular problem. Now I am trying to figure out this array of objects and the second argument.

Thoughts: I have started to open the rest of the course in another tab and look through the previous lessons for ideas on how to go through my current lessons, like using a manual. I often feel totally clueless now, or that I reached the end of all of my ideas.

Day 40: June 9, 2023

Today's Progress: I resorted to using the stare-down method. It's exactly how it sounds. You give your code a good stare-down until the bugs reveal themselves. In the progress, I learned about getOwnPropertyNames, new combinations of regular expressions, and how to find consonants in a string with JavaScript.

Thoughts: The Intermediate Algorithm Scripting is terribly mind-bending. It's merciless. ðŸ˜“ But my hardships here are helping me remember JavaScript functions and their uses better. For example, I just discovered the helpfulness of .every(). It simplifies a loop when it can be simplified.

Day 41: June 10, 2023

Today's Progress: I finished two lessons, and I'm starting to become comfortable with JavaScript. I figure out problems and come up with solutions faster. I also know JavaScript methods better, when I used to remember their names but not their behavior.

Thoughts: I also just found out that the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures course might not be enough for me to figure out how to add the JavaScript features that I want to add to my website (I want to add a collapsible menu and a loader). I might have to take Front End Development Certification, too. Fortunately, this course is enough for me to get an idea for solutions for Speller of CS50x. ðŸ˜€

Day 42: June 11, 2023

Today's Progress: I finished two more lessons today. The image above was when I was looking at a bug in the latest lesson. I no longer always need console.log() and can mentally visualize loops better than before.

Thoughts: I can't believe how it's all starting to seem simple. When I focus on the task that has to be done, it becomes easier. It's hard only when I focus on the names of the parts of the code and the names of its logic.

Link to work: My freeCodeCamp progress

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