Week 7 Recap: #100DaysOfCode

Charlene Delfin

 Day 43: June 12, 2023

Today's Progress: I finished one more lesson today. I can now work with many arrays in multiple loops. I said yesterday I no longer always needed console.log(), but now I decided to make it a habit to use it. Always using console.log() helps me spot bugs before they mess up the whole program.

Thoughts: I also attended the first lecture of the Cybersecurity course of CS50x live on Zoom while programming.

The plan was to listen to it while programming, but I kept hearing lots of awesome things so I kept switching to the Zoom tab to check them out and leaving the freeCodeCamp tab. I ended up watching the whole lecture, and the Q&A also. ðŸ˜Š

Day 44: June 13, 2023

Today's progress: I finished three more lessons. I finally got to work with the Fibonacci sequence. I also learned to look for prime numbers with JavaScript.

Thoughts: Looking for prime numbers seemed impossible at first, but with the help of console.log() and online resources, I was able to find my way around the bugs. I'm starting to consider console.log as like that flashlight you use in difficult hidden-object games.

Day 45: June 14, 2023

Today's Progress: I finished three more lessons. I learned about isArray() while working with nested arrays and fromCharCode() while working with binary code. I also learned that fromCharCode() returns Chinese characters when you don't use parseInt().

Thoughts: I like forCharCode(). I have always thought it'd be wonderful if there was something that could quickly decode binary code. ðŸ™‚

Day 46: June 15, 2023

Today's Progress: I learned about .isInteger(), and I finally did my own currying. In the first image above, I was working on my first object constructor. In the second image, I was reviewing the lessons that taught about constructors to remember how they were done. In the third image, I created my own constructor to see if I understood constructors correctly.

Thoughts: Seeing that I am near the end of this section gets me excited! ðŸ˜„

Day 47: June 16, 2023

Today's Progress: After almost going around the internet to learn about how to add methods to object constructors, I finally added the first methods that were required in the problem from yesterday. I learned that setters are just a variation of a method, you just have to make sure its logic adds up with the logic of the rest of the constructor.

Thoughts: Even though it really made life easier, I was never confident about being given complete functions in programming. I tended to be curious about what made them work. The problem from yesterday - which also became the problem for today - gave me a glimpse of how getters and setters work.

Day 48: June 17, 2023

Today's Progress: I finally figured out the problem from yesterday. I am now in the last lesson of the whole course.

Thoughts: Despite enjoying the difficult parts of this course, I recently developed this tendency to suddenly get dizzy. I hope this doesn't sound like an excuse. I'd just be doing normal stuff, and then I'd suddenly feel nauseaous and sick. It happened once yesterday at 6 p.m. and twice today at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Probably caused by scrolling screens too fast. I read very quickly and have the habit of skimming through articles, which result in fast scrolling. The side-effect is that I get dizzy.

Day 49: June 18, 2023

Today's Progress: I finally finished the last lesson of the course and also finished the first certification project. So far, I've developed a certain habit in programming where I start writing code to implement the simplest possible solution. Then I build the rest of the program based on the errors that my initial implementation received. I'm not really sure if I'm on the right track with my code above, but it's the simplest one I can think of and I'll build on the errors it will produce. I'm not sure if this is the right approach, but it helps me save time and space and it keeps me from wasting time on far out logic and long code that turn out to be useless.

Thoughts: I can't believe I'm on the certification projects. I can't believe I already finished one of them. I have been glancing at them these past month, thinking I'd never get to them. Or that if I got to them, I wouldn't understand a thing because they would be too complicated.

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