Zero feelings in the vast outer space.
You are alone, how awesome the freedom!
Xerxes said, "Demons shall not be worshipped!"
What peace there is away from the humans!
Viewing life itself from a distant place.
Uncaring about pain, love, everything.
Taking the longest second to wake up,
Seeing only what you still want to see,
Riding slowly back to the busy world,
Questioning if you should be going back,
Praying to the black void of nothingness,
Ordering your demons to leave and die,
Noting down every escape route outside,
Memorizing every hole, every crack,
Loving memories of the good old times,
Knowing they're only small parts of a whole,
Jumping awake with a violent jolt!
Instincts kicking in, o you wanna run.
Hiding from the truth and failing badly,
Going in tears and sobs over the pain,
Fighting the desire to escape again,
Earning your hope, your strength, your awareness,
Doing whatever it takes to fix this,
Considering every single option,
Believing you can overcome this thing,
Accepting your existence forever.


Bryan Ens said...

Has somewhat of a cross between sci-fi and prayer... But the sense of needing to escape a dark reality is palpable!

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that you did the alphabet backwards, and the poem itself is very inspiring and tells an intriguing story. Really good!

Charlene Delfin said...

Thank you so much, Bryan! Glad it is palpable!

Charlene Delfin said...

Thank you so much! Glad it is inspiring!


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