Week 1 Recap: #100DaysOfCode

Charlene Delfin

Day 1: May 1, 2023

Today's Progress: Learned how to fork a GitHub repo without using a CLI, updated CSS of the Writing page of my website, added images of my books, and grouped files into folders in GitHub repo of my website (learned how to add folders into my repo in the process).

Thoughts: It was daunting to return to working on my website after almost a whole month, but now I am starting to regain my focus on it. Life would be easier if I would use a CLI, but I am avoiding it because it only means I would have to install programs in my computer. I do not feel very confident about the memory of my computer yet. The memory looks small.

Day 2: May 2, 2023

Today's Progress: Returned to GitHub on night of Day 1 to add code to verify website ownership on Google Search Console. This afternoon, used flexbox to organize the photos of my books on Writing page.

Thoughts: This is the first time I'm using Google Search Console. I do not like the way my Writing page appears at the moment, it triggers my obsessive-compulsive tendencies. It really does. I got lost in my own code today, though. Because I forgot to comment my CSS last March, and because I use generic values for my id attributes.

Day 3: May 3, 2023

Today's Progress: Commented my CSS, merged CSS of my homepage and Writing page, fixed some errors, decided to apply most of my CSS to the whole website for consistency, and organized the contents of my CSS file from "sitewide", to "per page", and to "per screen". (CSS file does not contain those specific words, but it's in this organization.)

Thoughts: I'm more focused on coding today.

Day 4: May 4, 2023

Today's Progress: Returned to Codepen the night of Day 3 to give my website a more responsive design. Also renamed its Writing Page to "Books". Today, customized the measurements of the product div elements and designed the buttons to match the overall site design.

Thoughts: I feel frustrated with how my buttons are not aligned.

Day 5: May 5, 2023

Today's Progress: Tried using CSS grid to align the buttons in the Books page, failed, and returned to flexbox. Learned about grid in the process. Spent remaining time figuring out why my main and footer were overlapping. Changed background colors of flexboxes for clearer view of what might be happening.

Thoughts: I still feel upset that the buttons are not aligned. Whenever I align them, problems happen. The images disappear, the gaps between the images and the product titles get too big, or some of the images get bigger than the other images. Maybe I should work on the layout of the whole page first before proceeding to the products, the problem could be in the overall layout.

Day 6: May 6, 2023

Today's Progress: Resorted to using a blank doc as a sort of duck debugger for mapping out the logic of my code. Figured out why main and footer were overlapping. Part of main was a flexbox within an element, and footer was in a flexbox with a section from main. Footer was following a measurement that had nothing to do with the display case. Fixed it by adding a gap between items of the outer flexbox. Removed background colors. Moved page intro from behind the navbar by increasing margins. Started working on aligning the buttons again.

Thoughts: Being unable to fix the footer left me a bit depressed. Now that it's fixed, all of those emotions are suddenly gone. I feel so inspired, I have returned to attempting to align the buttons again. There is hope.

Day 7: May 7, 2023

Today's Progress: Learned more about CSS grid, restructured HTML to align everything on my Books page, made images zoom on hover in devices that use a cursor, and edited all files for better human viewing the night of Day 6. Today, learned more about grid, reordered Books page for mobile using CSS, changed font style, and readjusted measurements for all devices.

Thoughts: I feel awesome now that I finally put my vision into reality. The only downside is wondering whether or not my code has proper design. I feel that there is too much repetition and that all the files are unnecessarily complicated.

Link(s) to work:

1. Upcoming version of my Books page

2. GitHub repo of the live version of my site

3. Upcoming version of my homepage

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