Week 4 Recap: #100DaysOfCode

Charlene Delfin

Day 22: May 22, 2023

Today's Progress: I learned about all forms of matching in JavaScript, each of which are achieved only through a single character. I also learned about extracting matches, selecting characters that aren't matches, and the global flag.

Thoughts: I use WordPad as a duck debugger. Its purpose is to help me figure out the logic of programs, but I often end up typing random things that have no connection with anything. Sometimes, I type out my frustrations. Today, I typed, "WHY IS MATCHING STRINGS WITH JAVASCRIPT SO EASY?!!!"

It was super hard with C. In fact, student sentiments about transitioning from C in CS50x is pretty common. This is one of them. I'm still stuck in Speller. Whatta predicament ... ðŸ˜¶

Day 23: May 23, 2023

Today's Progress: I learned to not underestimate regex just because they are small, alone, and are mostly neither letters nor numbers. The characters are actually meant to be grouped together in particular paterns depending on what needs to be done with the program.

Thoughts: I didn't expect the characters were supposed to be used in groups. It's like hieroglyphics. My eyeballs could almost spin around and around staring at each character and trying to remember what it means and how it relates to the other characters.

Day 24: May 24, 2023

Today's Progress: I was finally starting to figure out regex when that section ended. I continued to Debugging, where I learned one of the uses of the console in Chrome and accidentally crashed my browser after creating an infinite loop. I finished Debugging and now I'm in Basic Data Structures.

Thoughts: I'm thrilled that I'm finally in data structures. I went to freeCodeCamp in the hope that it would help me come up with an idea on how to solve the data structures part of CS50x.

Not hoping for a complete idea. Just hoping for at least a glimpse of an idea. Just gonna look into what JavaScript data structures are like, maybe I'll "sense" something for figuring out the ones in C.

Day 25: May 25, 2023

Today's Progress: I learned about the cool splice() and slice(). I also learned about indexOf(). The Basic Data Structures section of the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures course of freeCodeCamp also let me review the types of data structures I already learned earlier in the course.

Thoughts: Whenever I lurk in programmers' chats to observe how real programmers talk, I always see some of them talking about splice(). I always thought splice() sounded cool, but now I know it really is cool. It's like cut-and-paste, but it's more like cut-and-paste-and-replace.

Day 26: May 26, 2023

Today's Progress: I finished the Basic Data Structures section and continued to the Basic Algorithm Scripting, where I get to solve problems using everything I learned so far. In the above image, I'm in the process of writing code for a program that finds the longest word in a sentence. I have learned to use console.log() to check if a part of my program is working, but I'm still working on my regex skills (that's why I have to use console.log() to check if my regex works).

Thoughts: I am worried why console.log() is printing "1". It's supposed to print "3". Also, I feel like I still think too much in C. I still turn strings into arrays and work with them per character. I should adjust to the differences between C and JavaScript. However, I prefer to use "werks" instead of "works". It's just more fun that way. Fun with intentional misspelling werks! ðŸ™ƒ

Day 27: May 27, 2023

Today's Progress: I did a lot of coding today, strengthening my patience for looping over the same strings repetitively and checking different things each time. I am slowing down in my progress through the course, but not because I'm left clueless as to what's going on, but because I write a lot of code in each lesson.

Thoughts: I wonder if I complicated the solutions for the lessons in Basic Algorithm Scripting, or if that's really how it's supposed to be. In another topic, I realized today how Elliot Alderson must be an extremley advanced genius. He can quickly figure out what his other personalities have been programming. It took me many painful hours today to figure out the code I wrote last night, and I don't even have split personality. This was my code from last night:

Day 28: May 28, 2023

Today's Progress: I learned how to change the case of letters in JavaScript, and then I started working on a problem that suggests I should use slice() and splice().

Thoughts: I'm starting to suffer from a great deal of boredom. There's nothing wrong with freeCodeCamp or anything or anyone, it's just my personality. I get bored quickly. I've been coping with this problem by coming up with ways to make things different each time, even when they're still really the same. Now maybe I should make my WordPad yellow so it looks different.

Link to work: My freeCodeCamp progress

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