It is 12 noon right now and don't have much time to write. I'll try to get back tonight.
Here's my response to the NaPoWriMo 2015 Day Fifteen challange. We are to write a poem that talks to itself.

My Dear Poem

Words that convey colors
And desire unity,
Inspiring sound of force,
The sweetness of beauty.
As fragrant as the breeze,
Emotions sure you squeeze

In the same way you free,
In same way you inspire,
For life and you agree
Where all water and fire
Blend like a tornado
From the word that starts do.

O you live in the hearts,
In the most serious arts,
Just like the bull's eye darts

You're the whisper of hope,
You're defining love,
You're element of cope,
Though nothing do you have
More than their deadly swords,
Only your humble words.

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