Camp NaNoWriMo 2015 word count: 41,672

I finished writing the story of "10th Commandment." I certainly enjoyed writing the finale. Now, I will just spend the remaining 8,328 words on the scenes that I forgot:

  • When my protagonist's best friend revealed his correspondence with his other friend, and what Evelyn can expect from the correspondence in relation to her situation.
  • Evelyn watching "Traffic." In my first draft of "10th Commandment," I used the movie as a vehicle for the theme of the story. In literature and poetry, authors and poets use popular titles and ideas embedded within the story to hint the theme of the story. In "The Talented Mr.Ripley," it was the bust of Roman emperor Hadrian. In the "Illiad," it was the shield of Achilles. In "10th Commandment," "Traffic" is only one of the many vehicles. I already mentioned many years back that my novel was going to focus on the manufacturing and distribution of cocaine.

I mentioned in my previous post that something happened to my family last year. I didn't clarify because it doesn't have anything to do with writing.

Last year, my eldest sister taught me how to shoot. She used the techniques that my father had taught her. According to the people who watched me that day, it was the highest score that they saw a beginner make. They called me Sharpshooter since that day.

I think that shooting the right target only needs strong awareness of how the air moves and carries bullets.

In poetry and my participation in NaPoWriMo, my poem in "A Bow to the Queen" was originally inspired by actress Catherine Zeta-Jones. In my opinion, the actress with the best side-view is Carrey Mulligan. But Catherine Zeta-Jones has played characters who are so worth being described in poetry. I just created my own drawing of a woman, and described her roles through the woman's head. I had "Entrapment" in mind.

My poem in "Monday the Menace" was directed to, um, well, my pillow. It's partly inspired by my friend's expression whenever she was feeling like being lazy, "I can hear my pillows calling me."

Most of my poems that look like love poems are directed to non-living things, especially Internet connection. "Lonely Blue" and many others were inspired by broadband.

On Bubblews, I reviewed "The Shining" and "The Ghost Writer."

For NaPoWriMo 2015 Day Twenty-Four, we are being challenged to write a parody poem of our favorite poems. Even though not my favorite (my favorite is "The Odyssey" by Homer), I chose "Purple Cow."

There are so many great poets on the Internet right now, even ones who are way younger than me. Reading their poetry is breath-taking. They are just amazing! That's why I was surprised when I read "Purple Cow." It was supposed to be famous. Maybe there is something more to the poem than what it appears, but I chose it as the topic of my poem today.

My poem warns readers about nonsense poetry, providing comparisons and alternatives. But the poem also lauds the poet, Gelett Burgess, as it admits that his poem did get me thinking about purple cows. Even though short and puzzling, his poem did get me pondering on the idea of a purple cow.

"Fore" is a golf term. It's what golfers shout when telling others to dodge a flying golf ball. (Photo credit: me. It's my stock photo from my other blog. I uploaded it when I was writing about what inspired the mansion of the villain of "10th Commandment." There are no drugs on the real-life location, though.)

Poetry should inform.
Poems should make you think.
The inspiration form.
Beautiful words that link.
I saw something nonsense.
It doesn't make much sense.

Wastes reading energy.
So what about purple cows?
Rather write Elegy,
Than a poem that bows
To human silliness,
And great mental blankness.

Although on second thought,
A purple cow I sought
From the poet's own thought.

Never seen one before,
But, well, oh, my, oh my,
Readers, tell others, "Fore!"
How he made my thoughts fly
Toward a purple cow
Made me a purple cow!

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